Identify Your Limiting Beliefs

Table of Contents

What Are You Thinking About?

It’s understandable if you have various restrictive thoughts in your life. Everyone will feel down about themselves at multiple points. But it’s also critical to understand what your limiting beliefs are while finding a way to correct them.

You’re about to learn how to identify limiting beliefs to correct these problems in your life. You might have various beliefs, including your fear of being successful or your belief that you don’t have the resources needed to do something. More personal beliefs, like feeling you are overweight or that you’re incapable of raising a happy family, can also be a threat. But you can overcome these worries and keep moving forward in your quest for personal growth when you understand what needs correcting.

Write Things Down

The first thing to do is to write down your beliefs. You can use a journal or blog to help you look at your thoughts and what you’re feeling. Your writings will help uncover some of the things you are thinking, including thoughts that harm your potential.

Look at your positive and negative thoughts and see if you can spot any patterns. You can arrange these beliefs into categories surrounding your career, family life, and anything else that interests you.

You can look at these beliefs and see which ones are helping you versus the ones that are limiting your full potential. This strategy will help you understand your behavior and figure out which of the more common limiting beliefs you might hold.

For example, you might have issues with your body image. You might think that you are overweight and that you have to reduce the amount of food you eat or change the types of food you’re consuming.

You can look at why you’re feeling unhappy with your body and consider various concepts. You could consider how certain things you surround yourself with might influence those thoughts. Maybe you are surrounded by people who have different feelings, or you are being pressured by the media into thinking your body image has to go a certain way.

Things To Write Down

You’ll need some prompts to understand what you’re doing in this step. Here are some things you can write down in this part:

  • When did you start thinking these thoughts?
  • Look at what happened the first time you started thinking something. What factors might have gotten in the way?
  • Think about why you feel certain things. Look at how a positive thought might quickly turn into a negative one.
  • Review the other people you surround yourself with each day. Are these people making your situation better or worse?
  • How often do you think negative thoughts? There might also be things that trigger you to start considering those thoughts. Look for patterns in how you’re coming up with these beliefs.

What Are the More Common Issues In Your Life?

Your next step toward improvement and personal growth involves reviewing some of the issues you are experiencing in your life. You might notice that you’ve got similar problems in various aspects of your life.

In one case, you might have feelings that you’re not good enough to handle your current job. But you might also think you’re not good enough to raise a happy and healthy family. In this situation, you can look at how these two words are alike and what the common denominator is in those negative thoughts.

You can start looking at why those thoughts have come about and where they originated. You might find these issues started from the same triggering event, or you might have learned the wrong things from others.

What Comes Up When You Think About Achievement?

We all have goals for self improvement that we want to follow, but sometimes we worry about what happens. One strategy to use involves looking at yourself and what you are doing when you achieve your goals.

Take a look at what happens when you achieve your goals. As you do this, consider the first thoughts that come about. Are you worried about expenses or other responsibilities? Are you concerned that you might have to make sizeable life changes you cannot handle?

Look at those problems you have, and you’ll start to understand why you are so worried. You can take those limiting beliefs and eventually reframe or challenge them. You can look at the greater picture and figure out why you’re thinking something and what you can do to keep that thought under control.


Eliminating limiting beliefs is a practice that takes a while to complete. It’s not easy to stop negative thoughts, but it is possible when you understand what bad feelings you hold.

Identifying limiting beliefs is the first step to fixing those problems. By understanding these beliefs, you will see what you’re trying to manage. It becomes easier for you to correct those problems and reach your personal transformation goals when you know what is keeping you from moving forward in your life.

We work closely with you to understand your unique needs to create a personal develoment plan just for you.

Inner Growth Coaching: Unleash Your Potential


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